New Music Rolls, Book Music, And MIDI
Your instrument only sounds as good as the music it plays - and it is my goal to provide you the best of the best in music rolls and cardboard book music as well as digital MIDI files.
In the past, I have offered roll projects as well as individual music rolls. Please contact me below for availability.
Contact me to discuss music I can provide for your instrument!
Email: mwmillsmusic@gmail.com
Look no further for cardboard book music for your fairground organ! New arrangements as well as scanned and edited original music are available.
I have provided arrangements and music for:
German Fairground Organs such as Ruth, Gebruder Bruder, Richter, and Wellershaus
French Fairground Organs including Gavioli, Limonaire, Marenghi, and Gaudin
American Band Organs from Wurlitzer, Artizan, and North Tonawanda
Coin pianos such as a Seeburg, Coinola, or Wurlitzer
Hand cranked organs including Raffin, Hofbauer, and John Smith
...And quite a bit more that would take too long to list!